Thursday, 15 January 2015

In a nutshell..

Ok so I guess I'm really doing this. So basically I'm Jordan aka Jorrdzzz and I want to start blogging. Why? Literally just to share certain parts of my world with you. It may or may not be of interest to anyone but I'm gonna give it a shot. 

So I don't want to post my entire life story but I feel like I should explain a little bit about how I have got to this point. Basically in late 2013 I was diagnosed with lymphoma out of the blue and it has pretty much turned my entire life upside down. I'm on the road to remission now but having cancer has literally changed my life in so many ways and that is what has led me to starting a blog. 

Don't worry I'm not going to be posting about my illness all the time; I don't really like to talk about it and I have tried to keep it quiet, but I want to share things I have learned along the way. 

So before I was sick I was just a normal 21 year old girl- obsessed with beauty products, shopping, selfies etc and, don't get me wrong, I am still obsessed with all those things but I have learned so much lately about looking after myself properly and I think it is so important. I don't just mean looking after my health (although that is a major part) but also preserving my looks; I am learning the hard way that the damage you do when you are younger is very hard to undo in later life. 

As you have probably guessed by now I did lose my hair (twice) which, I can't lie, was literally the hardest thing in the world and nothing can really prepare you for how you are going to feel when it happens. So for the last year I've been rocking a bald head/ ridiculously short crop and it's been a very strange experience. 

I have also had to deal with issues like my brows and lashes falling out, although I am very fortunate that I didn't lose them altogether. I received so much support from everyone around me but I didn't have anyone to help with the 'cosmetic' challenges that cancer presented me with. 

I know that I probably sound unbelievably vain right now but it is so hard, particularly as a young woman, but for anyone to go through such a traumatic experience and, on top of that, see their physical appearance change drastically. 

When we feel ill we try and make ourselves feel better with a slick of bright lipstick or something, right? But that doesn't work when you look in mirror and see somebody you don't even recognise. 

I am gradually getting back to the 'old' me- my hair is finally starting to grow and I'm wearing make up and generally making more of an effort with my appearance again. I am not going to be posting a guide for anyone going through cancer treatment or anything like that, I just want to share tips and tricks I have learnt about health/beauty/life, maybe some product reviews, who knows? 

I don't want to make this blog solely about cancer but I will refer to it occasionally I guess. I struggled to find advice anywhere about coping with the physical changes from the illness- I think a blog by someone that has been there and got the t-shirt would have been massively helpful to me, particularly in the early days. 

I'm still a normal 20-something girl at the end of the day though with normal problems like trying to find the perfect mascara and getting rid of those extra pounds I gained over Christmas. I'm not claiming to be a beauty expert- or an expert in anything for that matter- I'm just sharing a little bit of me for those that are interested. 

Peace and love xxx

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